Why Short-Term Rentals?
If you own a property and are considering earning extra income through Local Accommodation, find out about its advantages here!
Since we deal with short booking periods, the owner can use and visit the property whenever he/she wants and can block the dates for that purpose. In addition, there is also greater flexibility if the owner wants to change the destination/purpose of the property.
The stay only takes place after the reservation payment is received, therefore, there is no risk of neglected or delayed payments.
The property’s risk of deterioration is reduced, since there is a cleaning and inspection visit between each stay, allowing to control possible damage, thus preserving the property's state of conservation.
There are more and more platforms dedicated to touristic accommodation, where you can easily advertise the property. Every day, thousands of travelers seek accommodation for their holidays/business trips.
Allowing Trip2Portugal to manage your property will increase your income and reduce your concerns.
Starting the activity is quite simple:
1) open activity at the finance division, category B, with CAE 55201 (furnished accommodation for tourists);
2) communicate ACTIVITY opening through the "Balcão Único Eletrónico" or in person at the City Hall.
Since we are talking about income from category B, arising from the provision of accommodation services, the applicable tax will be the one corresponding to the income bracket of the taxable person, and will fall on 35% of the invoiced amount (modality of apartment or house). In long-term leases, the income obtained is taxed at a tax rate of 28% (on the invoiced amount) + stamp tax, since it is category F income.
Let’s talk numbers?
TOP 5 – County Registrations
Other numbers
No. of guests: 2,2 M
No. of overnight stays: 5,3 M
Lodging income: 117,1€ M
RevPAR: 20€
ADR: 63€
Fonte: (1) Travelbi, Turismo de Portugal (2) Estatísticas do Turismo 2021, Edição 2021, ISNN 0377-2306 publicado em https://www.ine.pt
Are you ready to increase your revenues?
Submit your property and be part of Trip2Portugal.